Troubleshooting Website Issues
On occasion, you might click the Add-to-cart button and nothing happens. Perhaps the screen goes gray. Normally, a pop-up box will
appear confirming the addition to the cart and providing navigation options (keep shopping or go to cart?). To remedy this, you might
press the Control-Shift-R keys simultaneously which reloads the page and the local cache. Then, try to add to cart again. You might also try a different browser.
The website has been tested on all major browsers, however it is important that you are using a fairly current version.
Finally, feel free to just call us at . We can place the order for you and perhaps answer a few questions along the way. If its after hours, just send us a quick note to call you back.
When you submit a credit card to pay for the order, the card and money are not actually captured. Apollo usually does not capture the funds
until the order has shipped. The system does authorize the card at checkout. To complete the order, the authorizatoin must be successful. You will see an on-screen message if the authorization fails. The message, while a bit cryptic, will give the general reason why the card was declined.
The two most common reasons for failure are 1) the card has been replaced, cancelled or is over limit, or 2) the billing address (entered on the payment screen) does not match the address shown on the credit card account and statement.
In these situations, there is nothing that Apollo Caster personnel can do.